OLIMPIADI: a PyeongChang l’edizione invernale del 2018

Nel 2018 capitale degli sport invernali sarà PyeongChang. La città coreana ha infatti superato la concorrenza della tedesca Monaco e della francese Annecy con 63 voti a favore contro i 25 di Monaco ed i 7 di Annecy, già al primo giro di votazioni e si è aggiudicata oggi il diritto ad organizzare l’edizione 2018 dei Giochi Olimpici Invernali. La città coreana era già stata candidata per le edizioni del 2010 e 2014, battuta rispettivamente da Vancouver e Sochi. All’indirizzo http://www.olympic.org/2018-host-city-election?tab=3 è possibile vedere la presentazione ufficiale di PyeongChang sul sito del Comitato Olimpico Internazionale. Sul sito del IOC è anche possibile vedere il video della proclamazione ufficiale. Di seguito, il comunicato ufficiale, in lingua inglese, del Comitato Olimpico Internazionale IOC elects PyeongChang as the host city of 2018 Olympic Winter Games The International Olympic Committee (IOC) today elected PyeongChang (Republic of Korea) as the host city of the XXIII Olympic Winter Games in 2018 during its 123rd Session in Durban, South Africa. PyeongChang won in the first round of voting with 63 votes, against Munich (25 votes) and Annecy (7 votes). Ahead of the signing of the Host City Contract, which sets out the legal, commercial and financial rights and obligations of the IOC, the Host City and the National Olympic Committee (NOC) of the Host Country in relation to the Olympic Games, IOC President Jacques Rogge congratulated the PyeongChang team for winning the vote and praised the high quality of their file and final presentation. “PyeongChang presented a strong and inspiring project that enjoys massive support from the government and the public,” said Rogge ahead of the press conference that followed the announcement ceremony. “I have every confidence that PyeongChang will deliver on its commitment and host excellent Games in 2018.” The IOC President also thanked the other Candidate Cities: Munich (Germany) and Annecy (France) for their efforts and the quality of their candidatures. Rogge said: “PyeongChang’s inspiring project sets out to have the heart of the Olympic Winter Games beating in the mountains. The South Korean project will leave a tremendous legacy as PyeongChang will become a new winter sports hub in Asia, allowing athletes and young generations to practise winter sports at home, be exposed to the Olympic Values of Excellence, Friendship, and Respect, and pursue their Olympic dream. I congratulate PyeongChang. The IOC looks forward to collaborating with them over the next seven years.”

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